my friend told me yesterday that i can make hemp shit and sell it to my local head shop to be sold there. the problem is i would need to get very good. and i need to know more than two knots. i know the square knot and the spiral one that i cant remember whats its called. you people know any other ones?
i make my own hemp shit. ive got a hemp necklace i used to wear all the time. the safety pin holding it together was quite resinated, so it started to stink.
try making belts and shit too. i saw a mad cool hemp belt that was like rasta colors at this hemp shop in venice.(if you live in so cal go there it is the best shop around. has "" spray painted on the side of the buildingright on pacific and venice, i think. go there!! now!!) anyway, you should try making the differnent colored shit too. and i'd buy em , if you get good.
There is no's a farce.
There's just-us.